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  • Aesthetic Rhinoplasty

Aesthetic Rhinoplasty

Author : Sheen , Sheen
Binding : Hardback
Edition : 2
Year : 1998
Illustrations : 3126
Pages : 2055
ISBN : 9781626235656

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Aesthetic Rhinoplasty has earned a special place among the important texts in plastic surgery. In response to innumerable requests, a limited edition of this exceptional two-volume set has been published at a special value. If you have never owned a set (or your copies have mysteriously disappeared), now is your opportunity to benefit from this definitive information. Surgeons the world over have combed through the pages of this magnificent work to hone their skills and refine their knowledge in the subtle and challenging art of rhinoplasty.

Dr. Jack Sheen, the acknowledged master of rhinoplasty, presents his innovations and teachings that have profoundly influenced the state of the art in rhinoplasty. This comprehensive reference guide explains his techniques for mastering augmentation/reduction, balance, tip grafting, spreader grafts, two-surface analysis of alar resection, clinical analysis of three-segment alar cartilage anatomy, malposition, and much more.

Aesthetic rhinoplasty is never an easy procedure. But this set will make superior results easier to attain with its generous illustrations and hundreds of tips and tricks. Easy to read and easy to reference, this work is a must for any aesthetic surgeon.

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